
Tuesday, December 9, 2014

What Do Wednesday...errr Tuesday

Last week I was late, this week I'm early. Most apologies. I havent ridden since our last awful ride which resulted in skin literally being ripped off my hands thanks to spooky baby butt. Leaving me with no ability to curl my fingers. Its been exceptionally trying, and annoying. You dont realize how often you use your ring fingers until you cant.

Naughty, adorable B
Also I'm going to FL for a few days to watch my awesome sauce brother graduate from Airmens School and his TACP unit. AKA Total Badassery.

Hardest slogan ever
what I'm trying to say is, I gave the nugget some time to think, and thus, my ramblings.

Which brings us to this week's What Do episode.

When you leave for an extended period of time what do you do with the babies? Do you ask someone to ride for you? Do you give them the week off? If they're at home do you stress over who to ask to feed/care for them? Do you make best friend do it? Hubby?

Whenever I leave I generally resort to bribing begging my friends/family to feed for me. It usually involves exchange for chores/goods/favors/love, endebting me basically forever.

I cant afford to pay anyone, so I have to be scrappy.

In MO, it was rather easy because we had a self care barn and I would just ask various self care peoples to feed the Yankee in exchange for me taking over feeding duties the week after. I still felt bad about it, but it got me where I needed to go.

Here, if I'm ever gone I usually just beg (literally, beg on my knees) my mom to feed, hoping she doesnt make my horse colic again -_- OR I ask my boarder to feed for me.

ITS SO STRESSFUL EVERYTIME. I have NEVER had the freedom of just being able to leave with no worries.

I hate hate hate this aspect of not boarding ata full care facility. That, and no arena.

I dont trust many people with the care of my horses though (secondary reason I dont board) and dont want to ask just anyone. PLUS its really annoying to feed twice a day everyday, I would know. You literally have to plan your days around that. So asking someone to put themselves out for my enjoyment gives me crippling anxiety. Throw in that I cant pay much and I'm just like PLEASE DO IT, LOVE ME.


That being said, they really are easy horses. They have round bales in their pastures and can be left outside if inexperienced horse peoples are feeding. They have smartpaks which require zero measuring and I draw lines on the scoops for grain. I fill up the water tanks and clean the barn really well before I leave, and top off grain bins. So easy.

 I am seriously anal about stalls (for monetary and health reasons) and after too many times coming home to layers of terribly cleaned bedding I'm just like, no. Dont even bring them in.


I also look ahead at the weather ahead and blanket for the warmest temp. I'm nervous if I blanket for the coldest and a warm spell comes 'round, B might die. Not the best execution, but I'd rather not risk people getting hurt changing the blanket of a rowdy 5 year old than him being a little cold. He has free access to hay and his stall.... Kills me inside though.

I dont even bother with asking anyone one to work the babes when I'm gone.

In MO, people would line up to ride Yankee, so that was easy, and I trsuted all of them. Excellent riders, great friends.. Here though, with no arena its a bitch. Plus again, I just dont trust people, even with Yankee (when he was here). I would NEVER let anyone on the baby without my supervision so he gets time off. Also, kills me.

Basically going anywhere kills me.

So dear readers, tell me your secrets...What Do??

Sunday, December 7, 2014

Treat Yo Self.....Or The Dog

So I'm not sure if you guys were aware but Cyber week is THE SHIT.

I've bought almost all my Christmas gifts online, for a huge discount, and even gotten a few things for myself- even though I HATE spending money on stuff and things. I would love to believe I love it, but it really does hurt my soul.

This week, Smartpak was having a HUGE sale. Jackie texted me that they had FITS breeches for $80 and I literally sped home to order some.

Didnt care. NEEDED.

For $80 I couldn't even say no. NO question. I've been obsessed with FITS forever, because FITS. Theyre usually like eleventy billion dollars. I'm a broke bitch and could not justify EVER spending more than $40 on breeches, ever. HA.

I also had a $10 coupon from Smartpak ( LOVE them and their customer service btw).


Once I had them in the cart though, & shipping was tacked on, I couldnt do it. (Normally shipping is free for orders over $75 BUT with my coupon, it was $70. DAMMIT COUPON!!!).

I battled inwardly for many minutes.

UGH, I couldnt do it. I actually NEED breeches, but I simply could not make myself click the button.


My mother has done too good a job teaching me about finances. Its a real tragedy I couldnt be irresponsible for 3 seconds and just get it over with.

So what did I do? Bought Levi a jacket.

Because he obviously needs more.

It was 79% off okay?

Dont judge me!!


That means it was $8. Worth it.

Levi will look very dapper in his new Navy and Green Jacket.