
Saturday, January 5, 2013


Why in the FLIP is blogger so god damn retarded?!

I have tried literally everything to upload these mother loving pictures and nothing I am doing is working.

Do you know how much of a bitch it is to go through 110 FB albums and pick out pictures you want....twice?!?

Really effing annoying.

All I want to do is blog about Yankees life.

Thats all I want.

That and some chinese food. And an equigold euro style pad. And some shipping boots.



  1. some one said something on another blog about doing the pictures through flickr have you tried that or maybe you could do it through photobucket some how? I'm not sure so it's just a suggestion

    1. Oh god. What a hassle....almost not worth it. Can't decide.

    2. sounds a pain.. but hope that it works for you :)

  2. Agree with AmberRose - I've heard other bloggers mention the same problem and they've downloaded (uploaded) their pix through flickr/photobucket. It might be a file size issue... I usually resize mine in photoshop to 3"x4" or the equivalent pixels before posting them. Apparently you can fill the quota pretty quick on blogger. Good luck. (and high five fellow potty mouth! ;D)

    1. Haha, oops? I try not to drop the f bomb. But cursing in frustration is just who I am. I don't like hiding it.

    2. I mostly control myself on my blog, but definitely not in person. Troublesome when hanging around my 4 year old nephew... oh well. ;D

  3. Having the same problem, want to strangle someone!

  4. I just used photobucket and it was really easy. You can upload whole albums straight from FB then upload the photos to your post. They seem to upload a lot faster. For me at least.

  5. I can barely get the bloody page to even load.

  6. Also--don't be silly. Save the pics you want to a folder on your compy so you have them handy and don't have to re-do work. Srsly.

    1. The ones I want are eons old from laptops that died ages ago. And cameras that no longer exist.

      Update. 0% uploaded to Photobucket after waiting for what seems like forever. Die internet connection, die!!!

  7. So seriously...nothign is working.

    I got photobucket, and tried uploading to Blogger through that and it still won't work. Unless I'm doing it wrong?? GAH.

  8. Maybe you hit your limit with pics on blogger? I hit mine a while ago and I pay $2.49 a month for more blogger space to keep putting up as much as I want.

  9. ....thats the only thing that makes sense. sort of. I can upload sporadically, like the last post I tried to fo i could get two, then it stopped working. And before that post it wouldn't let me do anything for a long time, then it would and now it wont again. Getting pissed.

  10. I had the same uploading issues it comes and goes. What I did was use the URL link to upload from photobucket to blogger.

    1. Definitely didnt work. Said the file was "invalid". Whatever...I'm over it now. I guess I won't be blogging about Yankee's years lol. I'm going to see if I hit my limit on pics, and that'll be that!

  11. Sooooo this comment is sort of directed at your 'Why it Sucks to be a Boss' post but I didn't want it to be overlooked. In that post, you write, and I quote:

    "My problem is not the amount of work, but how efficient I am. Its kind of ridiculous. I've always been the kind of person to make one trip and do as many things as possible and have it be difficult/annoying than make several small, easy trips. In anything- school, errands...barn. I take pride in it actually. I feel like its one of my "sellable" skills (resume lingo?)."

    OH.MY.GOD. Arrogant much? I really think that Cheryl Holekamp might suggest that you stop patting yourself on the back for one damn minute and realize that you are not as perfectly wonderful thorough and efficient as you seem to think you are. Lest you've forgotten, had you not missed a horse's waterer {or multiple waterers, perhaps! {horses, btw, more valuable than your entire life, who could've suffered harm} you would still have a sweet deal at a top barn {Windfall, seriously!!} with amazing owners.

    Jesus you are funny, blathering on about how awesome you are at your jkob, but neglecting to write how you got FIRED and EVICTED for NOT doing your job, and NOT providing care for a horse. How about you go ride your mini? Oh, that's right, you're 'she has a home for life' horse was sold.

    Yeah, you're a boss. Thankfully never one who will be caring for my horses.

  12. Normally I wouldnt even bother ansering a comment as arrogant and niave as this one, but i want to set a few things straight.

    The situation with the waterer was absolutely ridiculous. Not only did bust my ass to take care of those horses to her standards, but on MULTIPLE occasions myself and another boarder would feed and clean the stalls because her live in caretaker wouls still be noon! And she never believed us. Second, the way in which she went about was absurd and completely void of human compassion. yes. I missef a waterer. I admitted that. But to fire someone for that, while they are out of state and telling them they cant return, with no open barns anywhere in town and then saying, "oh well too bad", is ridiculous.

    As for Z. Please do continue discussig things you know nothing of. Circumstances change. Horses get sold. That's life. The woman who bought her contacted ME, wanting to add her to her mini herd and pair her with another chesnut to compete in harness classes. I love that pony and would never have sold her to make money or to a home that wasnt fantastic.

    Also. I am sarcastic. I am snarky. If you dont like it just unfollow me. ALL of my posts have that air about them, that post especially. I posted because I felt bad taking my time, alnost cheating the owner out of money since i could do the job in a quicker manner. I'm oretty sure everyone else gathered that.

    As for my horses. I endure his wellbeing before mine. Always. He is in good weight, happy, has shoes, shots etc and is perfectly healthy. When issues arise they are taken care of and paid for. My friends and other bloggers know this, so i dont really need to waste my time explaining myself.

    Lastly. A horse (or any other animal) is never worth more than a human life. Simply because other people do things differently or have more money than others doesnt mean their eay is the only way. It makes me laugh that they have to tuck themselves into bed at night with their money and acheivements to make themselves feel better about their shitty attitudes about life.

  13. Wow, typing that on my phone was not fun. Mistakes in spelling and capitilization were definetly made. Sorry not sorry.
