
Thursday, June 25, 2015

Flip Flop

First off, thank you all for the positive vibes. I know I got a little witchy there for a minute, but I felt it needed to be said. I am always amazed by the number of people that remain interested in our story, and for that, I thank you loyals!

Secondly, I'm sure we are all aware of Lauren's plight over at She Moved To Texas. I have no wise words or sweet condolences that haven't already been said, I just wanted her to know her community is here for her & I feel her pain deep in my heart. Prayers have been murmured for you Lauren. 

Thirdly, I was feeling ready and excited for the show because of this....

Holy trot. Such roundness. Very engagement. 

...But now I am exceptionally nervous for this schooling endeavor I've signed myself up for. 

All week I've been getting my ducks in a row for the first show I've attended in almost 2 years. Even though it's just schooling and I'm showing greener than grass, it's still exciting. 

I forgot how fun show prep can be! Only truly sick humans, aka horse people, would think laundry and vehicle prep is fun, but here we are. Bustling and hustling. 

Bacardi has been an angel all week too and I've been playing around with his "look". 

Besides having the ability to moose exceptionally hard and eat grass the second I'm not looking, he also looks incredibly sexy in we will be reppin' New Vocations with our white ambassadors pad. 

I really want his own bridle too, specifically a PS of Sweden, because this one is Yankees and doesn't quite fit him. Especially with that BOT headband, but it'll do for now. 

He's been feeling ON and I can't explain my relief over this. He was exactly this wonderful last year around this time too. Perhaps he's just a summer and fall horse and winter riding is off limits. *weak laughter*

I feels. He's really showed up to work this week and I was hopeful about our dinky Intro Level class. Like maybe we could actually get a few decent scores our first time out. 

One thing we really nailed down is our halts. 

Two things rarely practiced in dressage is the walk and halt and in general his are both horrendous. For basically a year, I had yet to get a quiet AND round AND square halt. Pick one was more like it. And his walk was messy and loafing. 

Lately though, in leaps and bounds both the walk and halt have improved. He's less fidgety in the walk and stays in front of my leg and the halt is mostly square and not hollow. Go B!

It might seem silly to some to consider this means for celebration, but holy shit this is a win. 

So I was feeling exceptional last night and went to bed pumped for the weekend. 

That is, until I saw the ride times this morning. 

I literally think I'm the first rider to go. Meaning 8AM bright and early. 

Generally, this wouldn't be an issue at an event because we would already be there, and would normally be a good thing...but this causes a whole mess of anxiety for me. 

For one, loading. If he takes even 30 min to get on, we will be late. So fuck.

I even consulted with my vet back and for most of the week regarding safe ways to take the edge off his extreme anxiety with trailering. We found a solution so I am hoping this helps...but it still puts pressure on us having to be there ridiculously early now.  

Second, we have zero time to relax before tacking up. None. And this is his first show. Even if I start loading up at 5am in the dark (which is impossible) we still most likely wouldn't arrive until 7:30am because we have two trailers and four horses coming and a 30 min drive. So fuck. 

Third, I ride all four events within 2 hours...and then I'm done. I'm terrified this will be sensory overload for him. Switching tack, bustling to get ready, warmed up etc. I really thought they would have the lowest levels go fuck. 

I'm just perplexed that the lower levels go first at this show and not last. I've literally NEVER been to a show where the lower levels go first. Ever. And I signed up thinking we would have HOURS to chill. 

I'm trying to remain calm

Literally everything I was trying to avoid most likely will happen. I intended on this being the most relaxing event asked Of this horse and it might end up being the most stressful and I am FREAKED. I'm about to just say screw it this is in the too hard pile but I already paid for it. Not much but I still paid for it. 


SIDENOTE, how adorable is his face when I walked away from him to turn the camera off...he's like "human, why are you leaving me, come back!"



  1. I totally feel you here. I'm having similar agita over my weekend - trailering, ack! Ride times, ack ack! Show, ack ack ack!

    And I'm looking at that last picture and seeing a thought bubble there saying "But ... wait, I go with you, right? I come there? Not stay here? Horse and person?" :)

  2. he looks great in white!!! and yea those ride times suck, as do events that run the lowest levels first. you can totally make it work tho - just do what needs to be done and try not to worry about the rest. it's gonna be awesome!

  3. He looks SUPER! Positive vibes for the weekend!!

  4. Yay, show stress! I'm right there with you, especially since our weekend weather just got upgraded to downpours both days. LOVE SHOWING.

  5. I would email the secretary and beg, plead, and ask very nicely for a later time in your division (you could explain that you are helping with 6 horses for the day, or tell her you aren't sure you'll make it on time, whatever... sometimes they are VERY nice about such things! And, if it were me, at a schooling show in the green as grass division, I would bring two saddles pads and one set of tack (that you both feel really comfortable in) and stick with that. The less variables the better! Good luck!

    1. I did and she moved me as much as she could. Wonderful lady. Praying he gets in the trailer!

  6. YOU GOT THIS BACARDI. My fingers and toes are crossed for you!!

  7. He got in the trailer last night as practice! Took ages but he did!

  8. If you are super stressed it's not going to channel well onto him..try to relax! Just think of it as schooling experience and have fun. I am in the camp of passing if I think it's not going to be a good experience, no matter how much money lost. His first show needs to be positive one, so stay positive chicky!

  9. Argh! I would be so freaking out about those ride times as well. I hope it goes okay for you both! And the little Bacardi face at the end was super cute. Maybe you can win extra points for red head cuteness?! :P

    bonita of A Riding Habit

  10. Not silly at all!! Improving the walk and halt is hard. He looks fabulous! Good job!!

  11. Yeah I would panic too. I didn't even have time to pack for my show or prepare really. Just take a deep breath and let whatever happen, happen.
