
Sunday, January 24, 2016

Winter Storm Rant

Unless you live under a rock, you know half the US has experienced some pretty gnarly winter storm weather in the last few days.

My state was extremely lucky to have been missed by it completely and it actually *warmed* up to a balmy 30* in the last few days. Incredibly grateful, as I could not imagine digging myself out like a few of you currently are doing.

And I want to live in Denver why?

However, I have been sick (again, WHY?) the last few days and have felt incredibly bored and gross and have spent the majority of my time bopping between actually doing homework, and not doing homework and scrolling the interwebs instead. So much internet.

Like any complete horse nerd, it really just been me trolling ETT, COTH, and other blogs...but I've seen a few posts from several different people on social media, some I know and some I don't know, seemingly bragging about taking care of their horses in the storm. I don't mean just complaining (rightfully so, its shit out there) but actually BRAGGING that "no matter what, they trudge through anything, to take care of their own horses and don't pay anyone else to, blah blah blah".

I was just baffled by this. Like who really cares? Honestly? Are people begging for compliments these days, because it really seems like it.

It might be because I'm sick and crabby and bored, but this just irked me, so of course I'm blogging about it.

Being my bored, crabby self I of course commented on one such post asking what was so bad about boarding and was met with some hate about it.



I'm a "bad" horse owner because I pay someone ELSE to take care of my horse now and instead of piling on the layers an trudging out there myself?

Okay, random person. I am sorry I even said anything.

I'm sorry I spent 15 years feeding and caring for my own horses in the cold, the heat, the rain and the wind. I'm sorry I sweat my ass off doing stalls, fixing fence, building fence, scrubbing water buckets and leveling the manure pile. I'm sorry I spent every week picking up my own grain and bedding. I'm sorry I took off work to meet the farrier and vet  whenever it was needed. I'm sorry I froze my fingers off doing stalls, changing blankets, chopping ice, hauling hay and taking care of my horses in the winter. I'm sorry that for 15 years I  gave up nights and weekends to care for my animals. I'm sorry I rarely made plans to leave and go on vacation.

And I am the most sorry now for gleefully signing that board check every month, now that my hard earned money can pay for it. I literally do not miss any of that. I did my time, and I wouldn't take it back for the world. I spent 15 years of my life learning responsibility, patience, and what hard work actually meant. But it sucked. It was worth it at the end of the day, but it still sucked. As long as I can afford it, I will continue to board my horses.

I'm sorry I'm a "terrible" horse owner for not cleaning up my own horses' shit anymore. But I did that everyday, for a very long time. Why is it such a crime to board my horse? Why are people so fucking nasty on the internet?

No one knows the whole story, ever. Its ridiculous to judge someone and call them "terrible" for something that isn't even terrible.

My horse is well cared for, fat, shiny and happy. Who cares who actually cleans his stall and fills his water buckets?

I take pride that I can afford to board him now. He's happy there and my schedule is now free to pursue my masters degree, work on myself and actually have time to ride again.

Forgive me, internet, for I am a terrible horse owner.


  1. Thank god for someone with good sense to say this! I feel this way every time I see this one particular person post how dedicated she is on social media - no, sweetie, it's your job. You get paid to take care of other's horses. I've done the barn manager thing and I can testify that it is hard work, but that's where the paycheck comes in. You go on with your bad boarding self :)

    1. Haha exactly, plus I ALSO worked for various boarding barns for years!

  2. Hmmmm... I have two at home that I take care of myself (they are retired) and I definitely posted a whole entry mostly complaining about taking care of them (don't get me wrong, I'm happy to have them home, but this storm was over the top), but my third horse is happily boarded. I know it's a good barn because I wasn't worried about that horse at all. If I could have sent the two at home to that barn for the duration of the snowpocalypse, I would have! There is nothing wrong with boarding so long as the barn you board at takes good care of the horses! In fact, I feel most people have no business doing self care!

    1. Complain away! You didn't call me a nincompoop for boarding lmao ;)

  3. Replies
    1. TX is sounding nice RN until I remember its like 110 there in summer..NOPE

  4. I am totally looking forward to boarding again after 5 years of keeping them with me. And Dom has it right, the majority of people DON'T have any business doing self care but do it because it is cheaper. Me? I will gladly pay board with a big smile on my face. It will let me ride and enjoy my time instead of spending 2 hours a day taking care of the horses which leaves me zero time to enjoy the expensive beasts. Go guilt free girl, go guilt free.

  5. I take a lot of pride in taking care of the ponies myself, and find the work incredibly satisfying, but to put down someone who chooses to board is just ludicrous! I don't care what you do, as long as your horses are well cared for!

  6. So my lease horse (side note - that's the ticket from ever being accused as a bad horse owner, I just don't own the damn thing lol) lives at a full care barn and its glorious. Except, um, I work there and am typically expected to show up even in gnarly weather. Fortunately tho, the BM isn't crazy and was cool with me bowing out during the storm and consequent dig out, which I was very happy to do. Those who will judge themselves and therefore everyone else by how whether they are "hardcore" enough can judge away lol.

    1. I feel that pain! I worked at my barn in MO when I lived there and same thing

  7. Paying someone to clean up after your horse DOES NOT make you any less of a horse woman. I didn't realize how good I had it until I had to start working at the barn two years ago. It sucks and I don't ever want to go out because I associate it with negative feelings. This is my last week and I am excited to just be able to come out and play with my horse and go home.

  8. Wow seriously?? People are so stupid! I think they are just bitter because they can't afford to board lol. I've never boarded a horse because I can't afford it and I think I would have an anxiety attack if my horse wasn't on my property and I couldn't go out and check on him in the middle of the night (yeah I do that ugh), but there is absolutely nothing wrong with boarding!! I'm happy you get to board B now. You've worked hard and deserve the freedom from chores so you can ride. :) Just ignore them. They are being hateful because their brains are frozen. ;)
