
Tuesday, August 30, 2016

The Old Man

I wrote extensively about Yankee a few days ago, so this will mostly be a pic dump. He's been doing quite well these days, always the steady eddy of the barn. Its funny, because at 14 going on 15, I feel like I can finally call him the "old man" and besides a school horse, he is actually the oldest in the barn. Which is equally adorable and terrifying to me, since I've had him since he was 3....omg. I do love that he is RIGHT here with me though.

Anyways, besides wallowing in muddles like an actual pig, he's been flying high and fancy stepping in his lessons with V and Supertrainer.

Everyday with my boys.... 20 acre pasture and they decide to wallowing the one mudhole!
I was able to stop by last week and get a few pics of their XC school at New Farm (which I suppose I can now just call EME again since we are all moved in) and watch for a little bit. Due to my insane schedule and V's odd work schedule, I actually rarely see her ride!

EME has two MASSSIVE XC fields with jumps ranging from starter to Prelim, all built by hand and gorgeous. This spring a full water complex is going in too! Eventually the goal Supertrainer has is to be THE XC schooling facility in central Ohio and hold a few shows a year. I cannot wait for those days! The outdoor is simply stunning and the biggest I've ever seen. We are so spoiled!

I digress.

V and Yankee have improved drastically since I saw them in person last (a flat lesson with me) and the most notable thing I can see is V's application of half halts. Before, where there was literally none, she now asks and he listens beautifully. Even when Yankee is in attack mode....

Must. Run. At. Fences.
...he comes right back to her when she asks. Yay! Their partnership is solidly connecting now, and it makes me so happy! They warmed up of a few small fences and got right to work, since it was approx. 10 billion degrees outside with 100% humidity.

Once the fences got a little bigger I noticed both of them focus with laser precision. Both of them truly do do better over the bigger stuff. Also, I can she has been working really hard on her position and she no longer jumps ahead of him & keeps the solid contact he needs over fences.

I adore these two photos
I was thoroughly enjoying watching them together and felt like a total show mom, bustling around getting their pics!

They have about 6 shows left for the year, with 3 USEA events and then we will regroup for Winter Indoor Circuit. The next one is a dressage show on Sept 10th, which of course I won't be in town for. There's also a legit badass jumper show in KY the same weekend with New Vocations and I am bummed I'm missing it for a work conference in Dallas.

Anyways, cheers to V and Yanks!!


  1. They both look AMAZING!! :D Well done, V!

  2. Somehow I always forget how CLOSE BY you live to me. Why have we never met up before?!

    1. Dude idk, lets!!! You're only about an hour from me I think

  3. They look GREAT! V is very lucky to learn on such a nice horse and it sounds like she is making the most of the opportunity.

  4. Wow that's incredible progress

  5. I am so super jealous of your amazing facilities!!!!

  6. Wow they look great! Yankee is so gorgeous! I'm so glad he's back with you because I sure love admiring photos of him hehe.

    That place is so amazing. I can't wait to see it when it's done. :)
