So its one in the morning and I have to be up in 6 hours for an exam I spent all day studying for and I simply cannot fall asleep no matter how badly my eyes burn from watching Planet Earth reruns and pounding management and accounting information in my head today. And why can't I sleep you say? I've been struck. Starstruck. (or in Gaga terminology, starstrukk). I am in love. Head over heels, fantasizing, dreaming, madly in love with.....a horse.
Of course.
Now, I love my Yankee, and strangely our saga began the same way my current infatuation has.
I saw Yankee on a website for rescued racehorses and simply was, starstruck. I had to have him. And I did- that day. Mom and I bought him on the spot and it was an amazing, risky decision and it paid off! My horse is brilliant and I wouldnt trade him for the world.
But I already love another. I found him the exact way I found Yankee. Browsing this website, a curious eventer-always looking for new prospects if one came along.
I found him.
Gorgeous, dark bay, 3 year old, 16.3 hands already! Great sloping shoulder, nice pasterns, long graceful neck, and strong back and powerful quarters. I want him. I can feel it in my bones that he has talent. I am confident one day he will be a champion. I feel the same way I felt when I saw Yankee the first time. It's hard to explain, but I'm sure some horse people know what I'm talking about. You feel it in your gut. It's almost an ache. You just KNOW. You can see yourself riding them already-competing, winning, and being successful.
His name is Hawke and I am obsessed already.
I can envision him in a dressage ring, his long sweeping legs powering his trot. His giant graceful body swinging through the canter. I can see him soaring up over the Rolex water complex. I can see him thundering down the galloping lane. I can see us on trail rides. I can see him next to Yankee in the trailer on the way to Fair Hill.
It's depressing because I know there is a slim chance of me ever owning him. I know it's so unlikely. I'm already depressed about it. I can afford to purchase him, but to provide his upkeep and show bills along with ANOTHER (amazing) Thoroughbred, is damn near impossible as a poor college student. I wish I had sponsors right now.
I would snap him up in an instant.
Being the rational person I am, even with my starstrukk-ness, I know there is a slim chance he wouldnt be successful as an eventer. His left heel is slightly lower than his right. His neck is ever so slightly ewed. His quarters need more muscling. But Yankee looked that way too and Hawke is still growing! Yankee redeveloped muscle with proper training, and I feel Hawke would too. I think he would mature at at least 17 hands. Perfect for me. Yankee is ever so small with my long legs.
If i could wish upon a star I would have two amazing horses to compete with.