I know, thats not the saying. But, thats what happens when you own an OTTB.
He never fully regresses; he will be brilliant one day, and hardly remember anything the next time. He never goes full on tard, but he gets close.
I think I tried to teach him too many things at once (sidepassing, counter canter, flying changes, extensions, etc) and he got his lil' TB brain is a twist and regressed slightly to retarded 5 year old stage where he cricks his neck, stiffens up in the shoulders and refuses to move forward.
Silly pony.
For a while (May-present) he was progressing so quickly in everything I presented to him, I kept thinking to myself, "this is too good to be true." It was.
Taking lessons againhas really helped us, and Liz has given me a few tools to work with him on loosening his neck , jaw and shoulders. I tried them out Monday, after our Friday lesson and he was MAGNIFICENT. Absolutely wonderful! I was beyond elated and stoked that we *finally* worked through a major issue without falling back in our training.
Fast forward to Wednesday.
He barely remembered a thing, it seemed. Still stiff, still "stuck" in the front and just outrageously ridiculous. I was getting SO frustrated. How can he be this inconsistent? Even during the ride, he's have some great moments, but then start tripping everywhere, falling in or out, throwing his nose up, and disrespecting my aids. He just kept getting more and more tense and it took all of my willpower ( I literally was telling myself, relax, relax) to not get tense too and carry on.
Partially, I think it was the weather. It went from 80 to 40 in 6 hours, and the last two days have been rainy and gross, so he stayed in (no haircoat!) and the nights have been rainy/gross/33 degrees. Missouri weather blows.
So, here I am...confused and frustrated.
Wondering what could be causing this...I have ideas.
*TB brain
*cold weather
*saddle not fitting?
*bad riding
*lack of work (3 days a week)
*it was dinnertime
*grumpy in general
At least he is still adorable.