I hope all of you had wonderful weekends! Mine was relaxing and productive in the ways of gym, school and work. Yay for never resting even when you're resting.
Quick catch up on weekend activities and things of note;
1. Unless you live under an actual rock, or in the middle of the boondocks with no internet or cell service, you know the shit show that erupted after this (and so.many.others) photo showed up shortly after ML Xc round at Fair Hill.
Yep. Thats blood. Again. |
Sweet Jesus, again? This is the 4th documented occasion from ML in a short amount of time (a year or so I think, someone fact check me here), second on this particular horse and its just...so extra.
My favorite comments so far have been one special looney who said all the photos were photoshopped (impossible, considering it would have to have been done in real time, from a camera, LULZ--obvs a conspiracy amirite), SEVERAL people who still call us all "haters" for jumping her throat--pleading an "accident"-- LULZ OKAY, and the others who say "the procedures were followed and the rules were enforced"...HAHAHAHA. Okay, fair enough, but IF 'the rules were followed' then there was ALSO a coverup involved...not to mention her groom who wiped the blood away with a black towel immediately following the XC round. I smell something fishy. Thinking certain organizations don't want to mar their image or their special ML with scandal, but the scandal is here and we are furious.
I honestly hope Amanda uses her loud blogging voice and rallies the people, again. Almost fruitless last time (JESUS, why was there a last time?? Enough already ML!), but we need a rallying point and I now she can get it done. There's no "witch hunt" here this time either. Its a goddamn protest and it needs to be loud. How can someone get away with this, REPEATEDLY? The worst part? She won on this horse. ABHORRENT.
Lets let our voices be heard on this one.
On a lighter and more positive note....
2. V and Yankee competed this weekend and it went well! A farm near us was holding some fun CT's and riders were allowed to enter 2 divisions if they wanted, or do 1-3 dressage tests and one SJ round. V chose to enter the BN and N CT in preparation for Novice Team Challenge next weekend.
She has REALLY been amazing the last 4 weeks, and has been working her butt off on the flat. We have a lesson together every Friday, and she also participated in a Dressage clinic a few weeks ago. Her scores unfortunately did not reflect her massive progress on the flat, as they were LITERALLY cutting trees down during her test. Like actually felling trees next to her ring. WTFFF, why?! I don't care how seasoned your horse is, thats bound to create some tension. Though I was proud her transition were smooth, it was more accurate than usual and well ridden... overall a large improvement from previous tests. Even the judge gave her condolences on the tests, which was at least nice of her to note. Regardless, she still placed well in both CT's, with double clear rounds in SJ and came out 2nd out of 3 in N and 4th out of 11 in BN. Good job guys, next weekend you'll kick butt :)

3. You might have noticed that Yankee is clipped too! YAS, its the best time of year--Clipping season!! Not only is it close to the actual best time of year (hallowthanksmas), but I generally get some additional income clipping horses and I ADORE coming up with designs for the boys. Also, the temps are skyrocketing into the 80s for this week (WHY) and their coats are heavy already because in normal circumstances it would be 40/50 instead of 80. Poor B was sweating in his stall today!
For this round, I keep it classy, since V has one more USEA show for the year and I don't know what design she wants anyways. Also, he kept stomping the flies like a total princess, even with fly spray, and even with a super steady hand....I made some mistakes. I simply cannot live with even one small nick in a perfect line so he got this weird swoopy, yet pretty high trace clip design. You could almost call it a blanket clip at this point...
majestic AF |
B just got a very uninteresting low front bib trace, since he's stalled and not in work. Eventually he will get a high blanket clip with a super badass design. If any of you know what I'm planning, KEEP A LID ON IT.
B's foot.
He's enjoying his limited turnout time and stall rest like a gentlemen, and actually is about 75% sound at this time! No more awkward shuffling and limping, only a slight head bob! Progress. To keep him entertained I've been taking him on short walks, giving him short turnout and also getting back to trick training. He LOVES it, and it worked his brain. Win win. I also think he might have gained some weight thanks to barn staff stuffing his face full of hay 24/7 and not being in work. Not complaining.
Minus his evaporating topline, he looks damn good, AND weight-bearing! |
I did mildly freak out yesterday when I changed his bandage to find a larger hole and some bloody discharge coming out of said hole. I immediately texted the farrier (sorry fam, I know its Sunday, ILY IM SORRY) with my typical ask-the-professional-a-million-questions and he calmly assured me all was well and on track to healing. Apparently leakage and blood is a good thing and shows its clearing up, sealing and healing?? Whatever you say farrier, I still am freaked out...
I don't know if you can see/are interested in the blood, but its there. Just kinda mixed with clear fluid. BLEH GROSS. Also I really hate how magic cushion over time stains the hoof black...looks like dried blood to me. ANYWAYS, he IS getting better but god bless, I miss riding. I've ridden once in 3 weeks thanks to previous mild injuries and now this...just wanna ride. The boot has seriously been a lifesaver though, mad props to whomever suggested that to me!
Gel nails. I got them done for the wedding I was in last weekend and HOLY MOLY. After 8 days of wrapping, grooming, clipping and other barn work plus the gym, they haven't even been damaged. Not one chip. What is this sorcery?? Even OPI and home gel nails only last 3-4 days...color me late to the party.
I know most of us barn girls are generally content to be....dirty? Unkempt? Whatever. For the most part, I am unkempt and essentially live in yoga pants and oversize t shirts. But I do LOVE doing my nails. Its one of the few girly things is consistent with me. Sure, I do my makeup for going out, and somehow my hair always looks awesome, when really I'm testing the limits of dry shampoo. but nails? Gotta be painted. No exceptions. For one, it covers the dirt that builds up at the barn and if I need to run to the grocery or out to eat right after and without be able to get them perfectly clean I am not totally embarrassed/grossed out because the polish hides it. Second, I just really like my nails being done. Pretty. Colors. Sparkles. NEED.
These gel nails are legit. Too bad they cost the same as a 50lb bag of fat supp for the boys. Hope they last a little longer, I'm in love!
Here's to a new week and a happy Monday!