About Monica

Hi. I blog.

I graduated in 2012 from Mizzou with a BA in Business and Communication, Minor in Fine Arts

I am currently working towards a dual masters (yes, TWO) in Heath Administration and Business Administration. Project graduation in 2018

I used to sell insurance, but now I work behind the scenes at a Revolutionary PT office coordinating their claims/billing. I actually really love it!

I also LOVE football. Especially Mizzou football.

And the Ohio State Buckeyes. GO BUCKS!

I have a dogchild and he is my little blue nugget. We met in Missouri where I went to school, but now we live in Ohio

I have a crazy family and they are total USAF badasses

My mom is retired full bird COL, dad Lt COL and my Bro is a TACP Commander (really important and badass war stuff)

 My boyfriend is the best. At everything. Especially CrossFit and being a sweetheart. He completes me.

He is referred to as Bangor: The Destroyer of World's  on this blog. He definitely chose the name.
My 2 loves
I waitressed for 2 1/2 years after graduation and it sucked really bad but paid REALLY well.

I also taught painting & it was the most fun I've had in my life. We got drunk daily. 

 Sometimes I draw too.

My best friend &soulmate is Jackie and she used to lease Yankee

She lives in KS and it makes me really sad.

I also crossfit

It changed my life.

I adore food, netflix and Crime Shows. I'm also pretty ridiculous, snarky, sarcastic and wild. I hate tomatoes, thunderstorms and shaving my legs. I'm a worrier, but I can make friends with anyone! Lets be friends.

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