Hello Bloggerinos.
Jankee here, finally blogging about 2016 goals only a month late, new record for me.
Quick little recap and a talk about my last ride: I was in Phoenix for XMAS for 11 days so good old man Yankee got about 2 weeks off work (finals week before I left) and honestly I think it was exactly what he needed. Our most recent ride was LOVELY to say the least. Yankee was putting in some solid work and was incredibly relaxed and willing for the entire ride (that’s a first since I’ve had him back). I tried him in a Micklem for the first time (wondering if a change would help him realize he can just freaking chill out) and he was surprisingly awesome in it. It’s only the first time working in it, so I won’t shell out the cash to get one quite yet, but at least it’s an option. Y
ankee has been a bit resistant in the bridle recently and will take any form of contact as an excuse to just stop working, so I’ve been just pushing him forward, forcing momentum and using his booty and then, once he’s moving forward freely, I’ll ask for a true contact, working in the bridle. So far, this has been helping his pony brain. Instead of getting anxious and resisting, he’s enjoying the freedom in his movement and when I ask for contact he willingly works in the bridle. We need to work on more action in his hind end in the canter, but one gait at a time. We only worked for 20 minutes, but he was completely awesome, beautiful downward transitions and lovely extensions and freedom in his trot. Very pleased with him.
BTW Yankee got a new bridle, lever noseband and a black dressage breastplate (well technically I got these for my birthday because MONICA IS BAE) from Monica. He also got matching back Dalmar event boots, eskadron stadium boots, an ecogold saddle pad and a new pair of bell boots for shows, so he is SET.
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HI, I am adorable, feed me cookies |
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Flicky toes |
2016 Goals:
As you all know, Yankee is basically the most badass horse that has ever existed. Our 2016 goals are relatively small, since I haven’t XC schooled him in 3 years and I would like to see what I have before I set true goals.
Goal 1: Regain Yankee confidence on XC: this is self-explanatory but Yankee needs to learn he’s a BAMF again on XC. Goal 2: 3 Recognized Events: I would like to take Yankee to 3 events this summer, not sure what levels yet, will decided after XC schooling. Goal 3: Dressage score under 30: This is a pipe dream, but dammit I wanna do it. Goal 4: CLEAN XC ONLY: that’s all. Goal 5: Have 2 successful 3’6 schooling courses in the next 2 months (this is a small goal, I just wanna make myself build a 3’6 course and jump) Goal 6: First place at a Jumper Show: We have a few local jumper shows throughout the year and I want to put in 1 first place round before 2017. Goal 7: Successfully school a Prelim XC course: YEP Goal 8: Make Monica Proud: I’m a sap, but Yankee is her baby and I want to make sure she is proud of us and happy that I have him. I may not be the best rider ever or the most talented but I will try harder than anyone to get Yankee through a successful show season.
Goal 9: Don't die while trying to balance all the things
I don’t have anything else going on with 3 jobs (1 full time) and grad school, so until next time bloggers. XOXO Jankee.
Monica again!
So there we have it! Goals for my beautiful BFF and my OG eventing horse Yankee. God I miss them.
Few updates since she wrote that post.
1, Jackie plans to move him here soon. Right now he lives outside on 60 acres full time, but there IS at least an indoor. However, its not *the best* situation for a person who has an extremely busy schedule and and *older* horse who needs maintenance medications.
2, Jackie has to text the BO at a certain time and hope she catches her in time to keep Yankee up in the feed lot versus turning out in the back 60. So if she misses the BO, no riding, since tromping through 60 acres to find your horse in a herd, in winter, at night, is not the best and most fun thing ever.
3, they will not feed supplements, or blanket. This is almost not an potion for Yankee. he is gettin up there in age now (14) and his joints are wearing down slightly. I prefer to keep him on maintenance supps for his joints, coat and hoof and I can't right now. This is a big deal to us.
4, they won't blanket. So for the first time in 11 years Yankee has been completely hairy and looks like a goat.
As you all know, Yankee is basically the most badass horse that has ever existed. Our 2016 goals are relatively small, since I haven’t XC schooled him in 3 years and I would like to see what I have before I set true goals.
Goal 1: Regain Yankee confidence on XC: this is self-explanatory but Yankee needs to learn he’s a BAMF again on XC. Goal 2: 3 Recognized Events: I would like to take Yankee to 3 events this summer, not sure what levels yet, will decided after XC schooling. Goal 3: Dressage score under 30: This is a pipe dream, but dammit I wanna do it. Goal 4: CLEAN XC ONLY: that’s all. Goal 5: Have 2 successful 3’6 schooling courses in the next 2 months (this is a small goal, I just wanna make myself build a 3’6 course and jump) Goal 6: First place at a Jumper Show: We have a few local jumper shows throughout the year and I want to put in 1 first place round before 2017. Goal 7: Successfully school a Prelim XC course: YEP Goal 8: Make Monica Proud: I’m a sap, but Yankee is her baby and I want to make sure she is proud of us and happy that I have him. I may not be the best rider ever or the most talented but I will try harder than anyone to get Yankee through a successful show season.
Goal 9: Don't die while trying to balance all the things
Monica again!
So there we have it! Goals for my beautiful BFF and my OG eventing horse Yankee. God I miss them.
Few updates since she wrote that post.
1, Jackie plans to move him here soon. Right now he lives outside on 60 acres full time, but there IS at least an indoor. However, its not *the best* situation for a person who has an extremely busy schedule and and *older* horse who needs maintenance medications.
2, Jackie has to text the BO at a certain time and hope she catches her in time to keep Yankee up in the feed lot versus turning out in the back 60. So if she misses the BO, no riding, since tromping through 60 acres to find your horse in a herd, in winter, at night, is not the best and most fun thing ever.
3, they will not feed supplements, or blanket. This is almost not an potion for Yankee. he is gettin up there in age now (14) and his joints are wearing down slightly. I prefer to keep him on maintenance supps for his joints, coat and hoof and I can't right now. This is a big deal to us.
4, they won't blanket. So for the first time in 11 years Yankee has been completely hairy and looks like a goat.
Naturalists will high five us, but for real this is actually no-good. Yankee has ALWAYS been a severe sweater, in summer and winter. Not only does he run the risk of overheating in winter, he then takes ages to cool out and runs the risk of catching a cold on the tail end. For a horse in hard work, just not good. He needs a good buzz clip, but living outside in MO with no blanketing makes that impossible.
Hopefully here soon she can move him if it works for her schedule and budget!
Hopefully here soon she can move him if it works for her schedule and budget!
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Also, a couple days ago it warmed up nicely and Jackie took the opportunity to school some XC (on her bday too!)
The videos were on snapchat, so I didn't get to save them, but he looked damn good. Jackie said he was on point and I could tell he was diggin it! It was a little mucky so they kept it short, but I think it was a good warm-up for times to come this summer!
Also, to cap it off, here's a short vid of some movements. As she mentioned, his canter needs some work, but that transition and trot and HALT were amazing. Enjoy!
B gets his massage today, so I will for sure update y'all on that and I hope to jump a little Sunday. Until then <3 p="">