It literally snowed 3/4 of an inch. And I'm fugging stuck in my house. Why? Because I live on the bottom of a hill and it is solid ice. FANTASTIC. I missed both jobs today. There goes money.
So I've literally been online all day do absolutely nothing of worth, destroying brain cells.

I did venture out after the roads were salted to feed the beast and tend to his spoiled brattiness.

He was not ok with the temp drop. Note the pissed face and paw marks on the ground.

I suppose I was a little upset as well.
I was spoiled by 45-60 degree weather for a month. I thought for sure I wouldnt get any wintery delight, and gave up and embraced T-shirts in January.

He saiz..I no eats noms farther out than has toos.
And here are some hilarious fun things I found perusing the world wide web today. Mighty fine.

(really funny because I have lived in both cities...well Cinci is 40 minutes from my hometown and my brother goes to college it counts)

This dude is 90. NINETY.

That is all.