So, let the hobbying begin!
I have always drawn, for as long as I could remember, but just recently started taking "real" art classes for my major in college. it has been useful, but sometimes I feel it throws me off my natural groove. Horses are my favorite subject, of course, but I love drawing any animal. People and still life's are my least favorite but I have to for class.
Most of my drawings are done freehand, not looking at models or pictures and my favorite medium is graphite and charcoal.

This is a freehand I did while chillen around the house last year sometime. Most of my horse drawings never even reach completion, but those that do, I put up on my FB page. This is one of my favorites! This one is by no means a project and it only took me about half an hour.

This was done a few years ago, shortly after I adopted Yankee. He was a racehorse, so I wanted to sketch one! This didnt take any time at all, maybe 15 min. Funny how the ones I sketch out turn out to be better than ones I really concentrate on!

This is a new technique I tried for intermediate drawing II. The project was a silent story, no words, just pictures. I fabricated a life story about a fictional horse named Fraenze Datcha en Azzura, a german grand prix showjumping horse. The story began at her birth, showed her story of succes's and failures, winning world champ and later her injury that was career ending and led to her broodmare status. I had to vary mediums, styles, viewpoints and sizing as well as colors. It ended up being 11 panels (boards) with 4 pictures per board. It took me about a week to do and I'd say 30 min per 22 hours total!!
This was one of my favorite pictures, this was pen and colored charcoal. I tried to make it very simplistic with a splash of color.

This is another part of Azzura's story, right after they gained professional, national status. Done in pen and colored charcoal.

This is a whole panel from Azzura's story, winning her first national show. I love the angles I chose for the jumping part! The hands and hooves were supposed to symbolize a partnership and those were done in all pen. the other two panels were pen and colored charcoal.

I don't just draw horses, here is one of the model drawings we did in class. Each pose was 30 min long, all charcoal, and I turned this is for a grade, got an A :)

The skeleton project...gah this was god awful. It's life sized, and in all charcoal. I had to draw this standing up and take precise measurements from the model and try to recreate it on paper. This was not a fun project at all but I am proud how it turned out. It took 10 hours total and was my midterm for intermediate drawing II. Got an A :)
This was my midterm for intermediate drawing I and is a drawing of a futuristic city. It is amassive drawing, I can't remember the measurements but extend your arm out and thats about how long it is, just about as tall too. the little ball things are "cars" and people travel by tubes. We had to vary viewpoint and technique and I got an A :)
I have hundreds of more pictures but I didn't want to bore ya'll! This is just a taste of what I do on my freetime and for class. Hope you enjoyed !
YAY! Another equestrian visual artiste!
ReplyDeleteYeah I saw yours too, very creative, I can't be that imaginative in my art, lol