This post lingered in the draft box for ages and didnt feel like coming to fruition for many reasons.
Its been chillin’ for over two weeks... Luckily, the norovirus
seems to have left my body and B has been let out of his prison today for the first time in about 9 days (poor dude/IHATEOHIOWEATHER).
SIDENOTE--my babies turn a year older in one day!
Back to goals and stuff.
SIDENOTE--my babies turn a year older in one day!
Back to goals and stuff.
I’ve always had a difficult time setting goals. And I think
its SUPER cliché to do it at the beginning of the year. I think people should
have evolving goals that actually get accomplished, not make giant yearly statements. But here I am.
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Hello. Its me. |
In 2015 I was still new to this goals thing and floundered a
little on specificity. I also had just gotten Bacardi and had really high
hopes, but not sure where we could go, or what I could afford. Most of my goals
were seriously generalized and therefore hard to determine success or failure.
Failure is also a ridiculousy mean word. As long as someone
is working towards a goal, I consider is a success, but for blogging means I
will assign Pass/Fail to each *drags feet*
So to recap for 2015:
General Riding:
1. Lateral work
-->PASS? We first had to work on not having meltdown when leg was applied. Getting over things slowly. I wont mention the massive meltdown he had yesterday (idiot!) when I asked him to move over in the crossties. I will say his halted “lateral work” has improved tenfold under saddle. Forward lateral work under saddle is still a struggle. Progress?
2. Proper
-->PASS. I cant even begin to describe the hurdles we have overcome with this. It was a slow start to the year, broken up by everything under the sun, but I can fully say YES this was achieved.
3. Canter departs
-->PASS. Again, rocky and slow beginning. But at this time, MOST canter departs are smoothe and without flailing around like he’s dying. I consider this a success.
4. Tentative flying changes
-->PASS. This was my only “fancy” riding goal and he somehow came to me with the basics of flying changes already nailed in his weird head. Under the flailing, tantrums, bolting and hollowness that was his canter for several months, there were actual real flying changes in there. I tried to leave them alone for the most part since this is a more “upper level” thing, but it was fun to poke with on a good day. I would say theres a 75% success rate at this time. Rarely does he give me attitude, just doesn’t change behind. In time.
Show Goals:
1. April
schooling show debut
2. May schooling shows
3. June USEA show debut
4. End of year USEA show
2. May schooling shows
3. June USEA show debut
4. End of year USEA show
Well. FAIL. None of this happened. None. Sure, we did a
SINGLE schooling show in December..sure, I took him to a USEA event as a NC,
but nope, did not do a single thing all year. Its okay. I’m regrouping, we spent some time here and there
working on fundamentals and we will charge headfirst into 2016 (but without
causing head trauma).
My personal goals were more easily specified, since I am
wicked hard on myself and demand perfection.
2015 Personal Goals were as follows:
2015 Personal Goals were as follows:
1. Gym: at least 3x's a week, stick to WODs, motivate
thyself however possible
-->PASS....kind of. For the most part, this was
easy to do. I enjoy Crossfit and pride myself on being fit. The community helps
motivate me and I actually look forward to working out at my Box. Sadly, I was
injured/sick WAY too much and some weeks/months this did not happen. I will
still count this as a win, since injuries and sickness usually should not and
cannot be worked through at the gym.
2. Food: no more than 2 "eat-out" meals a week,
drink all the water & don't get bored with meals and cheat
-->Actual PASS here. I was so strict
with my diet this year. I fell off the wagon the last 3 weeks but ITS FINE. In
case anyone wonders, I am “half-Paleo”. Meaning I try to eat non-processed
foods M-F & Sunday. This means
real food, not packaged. But I don’t count calories or any of that dumb shit. I
just eat balanced meals with real food. Saturdays are for eating whatever I
want. BRING ON THE FRIES. Drinking water is still difficult. Working on that.
3. Alcohol: Saturdays only
-->PASS. IF I drank at all, literally
was never on any other day than a Saturday. Go me. This was not hard though, my
party hardy days are more than over. I maaay have drank a mimosa or had one
beer on a Friday or Sunday, but that’s not “drinking”. If I don’t get buzzed
doesn’t count right?
4. Riding: 4x's week. Lateral work (forward, straight),
Transitions (esp UP), introduce baby grids
--> PASS?FAIL? Who knows…this is hard
to narrow down. Again, thanks to injuries I wouldn’t say we consistently rode 4
times a week. And until September, didn’t really have a nice place TO ride, and
once we moved, we still had some injuries and sickness to work through. Whomp
5. Horse stuff: learn how to make polos, quarter sheet, tack
box (and make them), actually clean my tack and attach tags to said tack
-->Well. I cleaned my tack more?
FAIL. But I obtained lots of polos
and a quarter sheet…
6. Non-horse stuff: start to learn spanish, travel savings
account, organize music, make Etsy better, art more
-->Horrible, tragic, 100 % FAIL. I
didn’t do a single one of these things.
This brings me to the new year and new goals.
I want to say good riddance to 2015 and that it was awful and horrible and all the bad words...but despite the pitfalls, I dont have any ill feeling towards 2015. Sure, there were some really shitty moments, but nothing earthshattering. The high points really outweighed the lows, and I learned from the bad..which is good. Following?
Again I’m having a hard time specifically nailing down
reasonable and attainable goals because the ribbon whore/die hard inside me just wants to be perfect at
everything. The realist is loling, knowing that you cant ever PLAN to succeed
with horses, only have a battle plan to try and do so. I also have a tendency
to really want for things I know I cant have. Like go to a USEA show every
month. Monetarily, its impossible. I’m coming to grips with that. It’s a bit
difficult among bloggers and barn friends who frequent shows without batting an
eyelash at the cost, but I’m getting a grip with that side of me. Not everyone
gets everything they want.
My loftiest goals with all the money in the world would be
to go to one show a month, have lessons bi-weekly, qualify for the AEC’s at BN and move up to Novice near the
end of the year.
Alas, this is most likely out of my reach. I’m barely
scraping together board (which I have NORAGRATS about, ever), but that’s about
all I have in regards to extra spending money. Also I know Grad School will
sadly eat up some of my freetime. ITS OKAY. Its starts in one week by the way.
I’m coming to
terms with it and no longer denying that I am a peasant in the horse world.
Therefore, and unfortunately, I am reining myself in with my
riding and showing goals.
At this time, 2-3 sanctioned events would be cool. I would
need to become a member again with USEA, which I’m debating NOT doing since BN
doesn’t require it, but I’ve never not been a member. Will most likely suck it
up and become a member again. Luckily B is already registered! Lookout
world, Anejo Highball is coming
for you! AEC’s would be even cooler, but we need to MAKE it to an event before
we head down that wonderful road. Before we even think about dropping half a
paycheck on an event weekend, we need to double-time our exposure at schooling
shows. We have two in January already, and since they are more affordable, I am
more than willing to flail at those until we get our shit together. No real
number in mind, just as many as possible. If I had to choose a number, 1-2 per
month would be spiffy until Spring. Specific USEA shows have not been chosen,
My favorites are KY Classique and Champagne Run and participating in Area
champs would be cool too, but most likely not possible. I would adore to not
chill at BN forever, since I’ve competed through Prelim, but I am OK taking my
time with B. If he does well, we move up. If he needs time to chill, we chill.
Training wise, I would like to add some more toys to our
training arsenal. This means more lessons. Specifically, one a month. That’s
reasonably affordable and gets us some training time. Better than nothing!
Super trainer is always fantastic and the homework she gives us is actually
doable and worthwhile.
The problem with B is that his talent far exceeds his
experience and his pea brain tantrums. While we are schooling flying changes, counter canter and jumping
3’3, hes only been to one show. ONE. And it wasn’t sanctioned. The one show he
did attend as NC he literally could not function near the show rings. Brain
fell out of skull. Even at home sometimes, he is not mentally present and we have horrible days (less and less nowadays, but still) Therefore, I’m a little unwilling to even drop money on USEA
entries without getting some smaller experience first…but then the other part
of me is like, suck it up or you will never get anywhere.
That’s all a little wordy.
Very specifically it boils down to this:
1. 2-3 USEA shows. Start with BN. Don’t get
2. 1 schooling show a month
3. Jump a 3’6 course in competition
3. Jump a 3’6 course in competition
4. Jump 3’9 once
5. Jump a training corner successfully
6. Jump a combination line to skinny successfully
7. Conquer water complexes
8. Get clean single changes
9 Begin Renver/Traver
10. Clean
leg yields (straight/no head tossing)
11. Quite
turn on forehand (no head tossing)
12. Define
difference between Medium and extended trot
13. Learn
3 new tricks
Whew. That’s a big list. All things attainable IMO.
Personally, most of my goals feed off last year. Maintenance
is key for me. I am a creature of habit. I do have a few specific personal
goals though.
1. Keep life perspective & try to show
gratitude at every turn
2. Obtain a pay raise
3. Maintain a 3.0 GPA for my 1st year of grad school
4. Clean out my email in box (holy 4,000 emails!)
5. Learn SOME Spanish
6. Add $2,500 to savings (not 401K, personal savings) (also LOL)
6. Add $2,500 to savings (not 401K, personal savings) (also LOL)
7. Squat 200 lbs (45lbs away!)
8. Deadlift 275 (65 to go!)
9. One strict pull-up ( no assistance)
10. Run
3 miles without stopping
11. Complete
a Tough Mudder
12. Pay
off medical bills
13. Get
another tattoo
Funny. I didn’t even try to make both lists number 13. Maybe
TSwifts lucky number will be lucky to me too?
**The photography is from my photo session in the fall with the professional. They turned out pretty dang good! (Hilary Tebo Photography)