Right meow my life is an epic failure. And yes I have been preaching this for a while now. And I know you all are sick of hearing it, but I'm just going to add on the shitpile by saying that everything sucks and I want to die right now.
I just cannot handle stress. Or this much stress. I won't go into detail because as much as I love bitching, its just too much to think about.
Why do I have the worst luck in the world...WHY. What did I do to deserve this??
Yankee decided it would be super funsies to rip himself to shreds...repeatedly. I already dealt with a torn out tail, busted up hips (that still haven't healed almost 2 months later), swollen, busted hock, multiple bite wounds, scraped ankle, and now a shoulder laceration. I call it a laceration lightly because it not as gnarly as some I've seen, but I def flipped my shit though because he is my baby and it was pouring blood. ACK!
I flipped out. And it got all over me. Ew.
So I went to class all worried and thinking about the half-million things I need to do and I wondered...life doesn't get much easier and I need to deal. But how? I feel like I'm drowning right now and I'm not even in grad school....
So I made the decision to try and turn a new leaf. I put my 2 weeks in at the place that sucks my soul, studied for like 8 hours over the past 2 days and I put color in my hair. Its helping a bit. I still feel like a train running off the tracks, but new RR are starting to appear.


After! And this totally looks like I'm an alien or something! Isn't this weird??
So now he is lame.
Not like we were gonna do much of anything, show wise, but it happened at a completely bad time. You know? I will be free from work, and I will actually be able to enjoy my horse and have time to ride, and not rush-rush lets get this done so I can work/go to class/study.
Le sigh.

MMM yeah delicious. Wish it was still bloody cuz it looked so gross and nasty, and you could see it better. And yes, that is pus, Gross.
So, poor ponyface is not fairing well out in the pasture. Its so sad...its been a year since he's had a pasture and now he's getting beat to a pulp out there.
Remember Pronto though? He moved to the barn 2 days ago and he protects Yankee out in the field. SO. EFFING. ADORABLE. Besties! Its so hilarious to see two grown ass horses sticking together like lovers out in a field with 6 other horses. But adorable nonetheless.

Just a few of the "war wounds" yankee got in the field after only like 3 days.

He loves this pony! Her name is Molly :) She is super adorable!

Playin' with him since he is now laaaaaaaame.
Alrighty folks...hopefully I can quit my sob stories and get all productive like and get up off my ass and do work and maybe stop being all boring for you guys.
At least I can live vicariously through fellow bloggers with riding in London, new horsey jobs and new horses. Congrats to you all, you know who you are!! :)