Wednesday, August 19, 2015

(Mostly) Wordless Wednesday

*** If queasy, don't scroll very far. I'm showing progress pics of "the injury". You've been warned. 


  1. Ouch. I'm guessing from the pics he's still really off? Have you tried vetricyn? It's pricey but it's magical - in my experience anyways. Never used it on something quite that bad but might be worth a try.

  2. It is looking better, even if it's still a little nasty!

  3. It's healing up pretty nicely so far!

  4. Wow I am impressed at how good this is looking. It doesn't look painless but it certainly looks better!

  5. Those last photos still make me cringe, but you actually can see improvement! That is good!

  6. Healing looks good!

    Seconding the veterycin recommendation - it's 20% off at Valley Vet right now, and while pricey, works awesomely.

    Plus the bottle will last forever. Well, maybe not for Bacardi, but usually. ;D I like the hydrogel - it sticks to legs and undersides better.

  7. :( Oh darn. The healing does look like it's going well!
